Cable communications are still, despite the amazing growth of wireless, telephone and beam, very essential to the conduct of the world's affairs. Few people realize how vast and complex a network of cables, lying on ocean beds miles below the surface of the waters, links up the countries and the continents, and makes it possible to send a message across thousands of miles of land and sea in a few minutes or hours. Mr. Brown will give some interesting information about cable communications in this evening's talk...
* (Daventry only)
Mr. R. FLETCHER : 'How a Pigeon Race is carried out'
PIGEON racing is a sport that has thousands of fervent enthusiasts, but to the general public it is a somewhat mysterious affair. We all know vaguely that homing pigeons are released from some sort of a trap and that they fly home over incredible distances at astonishing speeds: but as to the exact technique of con- ducting a race we are mostly in the dark. This obscurity Mr. Fletcher, of the Homing Union, will enlighten in this talk.