from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service
(St. Michael and All Angels)
Psalms cxlii, cxliii
Lesson, Daniel x, 4 to end Magnificat (Brewer in D)
Lesson, Matthew xiii, 24-30, 36-43 Nunc Dimittis (Brewer in D)
Anthem, Hymn of the Cherubim
( Tchaikovsky)
Angels ever loving, we in secret moving Tell the story, sing the glory, Of the Blessed Trinity.
Father whose will be done, Spirit that e'er shall reign.
Jesus, mortal, immortal Son, that for our sins was slain,
We hail ye, Blessed Trinity. Amen.
Every living thing on earth,
Every star that sheds a beam,
Join in our hymn of holy mirth,
Share in our task of this supreme, As we sing for ever
Hallelujah unto the Blessed Trinity.
(English words by F. Corder , reprinted by permission of Laudy & Co.)
Hymn, Stars of the morning (A. and M.423)