Hymn, 'Holy, Holy, Holy' (E.H., No. 162) Confession and Thanksgiving Psalm N?. 8
Magnificat Prayers
Hymn, Jesu, lover of my soul' (E.H., No. 414)
Address by the Rev. H. R. L. SHEPPARD ,
D.D. Hymn , 'Abide with me' (E.H., No. 363)
8.45 THE WEEK'S GOOD Cause ; Appeal on behalf of the Professional Classes Aid Council by Lady BERTHA DAWKISS
TN the early months of the war the Professional Classes War Relief Council was formed for the relief of distress amongst professional and other well-educated people, and it was reconstituted on a peace basis, under its present title, in 1921. Conspicuous features of its work are help with the education and training of children and young people, and aid in illness and convalescence. Nearly all the great professional bodies are represented on the Council, which is in close touch with their benevolent funds and institutions.
Contributions should be addressed to
Lady Bertha Dawkins , [address removed]