@ Round the Countryside
' A River Bank in Spring'
The river bank and water meadows are some of the first places where animals are to be seen after the winter. Today Mr. Gaddum is to take his listeners for a walk along a typical English stream. The time is spring, male peewits are wheeling overhead, while in the meadows below the females are busily preparing their nests. Frogs are heard croaking in the rushes, and the first frog-spawn is to be seen in the stagnant pools ; one or two early insects are to be seen disporting themselves in the early March sunshine, and in the reeds the wild duck are indulging in courtship displays.
2.25 @ Interval Music
2.30 Senior English
Ⓓ Poets and Poetry-Tom Moore '
The following from Tom Moore 's
Irish Melodies will be read :
' The Harp that once through Tara's
' The Minstrel Boy '
' Let Erin remember the days of old '
' The young May moon is beaming,
Love '
Stephen Potter is going to talk about poems written to be sung. Tom Moore was a favourite writer of this kind of poem. He was an Irishman, and very interested in the old tunes for the Irish Harpists, and he began to adapt them and write new words for them to be sung to. The programme will include two dramatic scenes — one illustrating the influence of Ireland and Irish politics on Moore ; and another showing Moore's success as a writer of songs in Dublin and London.
2.55 @ Interval Music
3.0 Concert Lesson
© ' Form in Longer Movements'