' Young Man with a Sword'
A serial play in three episodes from the book by Jane Oliver
Dramatised by Marion MacWilliam
3-' Liberation '
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
This is the last episode of the thrilling adventures of young Gavin Maitland, who, bravely aided by his younger sister Elspeth and his brother Neil, held his father's estate against the ravages of the English, and joined Robert Bruce and his handful of loyal triends.
Jane Oliver, the author of this historical novel, has said of it: 'I have added absolutely nothing to the breath-taking story of Scottish liberation.'
5.30 For Older Listeners
A Young People's Forum on Books
Lord David Cecil
Lady Violet Bonham Carter
Rupert Hart-Davis Marghanita Laski
Colonel Robert Henriques
Chairman, Ivor Brown
The questions are asked by boys of Dulwich College and girls of Queen's College. London, before an audience of sixth formers from fifty-five London schools
Recorded at the Royal Festival Hall. London, during the Sunday Times Book Exhibit ion. Programme arranged in conjunction with W. H. Smith and Son, Ltd.
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Conducted by the Rev. E. D. Jarvis , D.D. of Wellington Church, Glasgow