Live from the Chapel of Trinity College,
Cambridge. Introit: Epiphany Responsory (Richard Marlow ). Hymn: 0 Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness (Was lebet). First Reading: Isaiah 25, vvHOa. Anthem: Venite Populi (Mozart). Second Reading: Delight
(Micheal O'Siadhail ). Anthem: Ich bin ein rechter Weinstock (Schutz). Third Reading: John 2, vv1-11 . Anthem: Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart).
Fourth Reading: 8th Homily on St John 's Gospel (St Augustine). Hymn: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Picardy). Fifth Reading: Matthew 27, vv45-54. Anthem: Adoramus Te (Monteverdi). Sixth Reading: The Bunch of Grapes (
George Herbert ). Hymn: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (St Edmund). Anthem: Das Wort ward Fleisch (Schutz). Organ Voluntary: Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern (Scheidt). Director of music Richard Marlow. Organ scholars Oliver Lallemant and James Sherlock.