from the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Rolvenden, Kent with local choirs, part of the TENTERDEN CHORAL SOCIETY and members of the KENT BRASS ENSEMBLE: Director ROBERT YOUNG
Hymns introduced by MARTIN MUNCASTER. CondUCtor THE REV JOHN H. WRIGHT. Organist and pianist DAVID GROVE. Prayer and Blessing by THE REV JOHN II. WRIGHT
Gloria (Martin Shaw); All people that on earth do dwell (Old 100th); 0 thou who earnest from above (Hereford); When morning gilds the skies (Laudes Domini); Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Morning light); When all thy mercies, 0 my God (Contemplation); Thanksgiving (composed by J. H. Wright ); Lord Jesus Christ (Living Lord); Now thank we all our God (Nun danket)