(a) Ceramics: Leigh Ashton
(b) Chinese Painting as it appears to an Authority on European Painting: Kenneth Clark
The two talks this evening will be concerned with the two aspects of Chinese art most familiar to us: china, porcelain, pottery, etc., and painting.
Mr. Leigh Ashton, one of the greatest authorities in this country on Chinese ceramics, is curator of the Chinese exhibits at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Moreover, he has been solely responsible for 'the arrangement, lighting, and decoration of Burlington House for this Exhibition.
Mr. Kenneth Clark, Director of the National Gallery, has been asked to give the second talk because it is felt that someone who understands Western painting so thoroughly will have the same reactions to the paintings in Burlington House as those of us who go there and those of us who this evening will be listening. He will, therefore, look at the paintings through Western eyes.