2.0 Travel talks (Ages 9-12)
' Peoples of the Empire '
Planned by E. G. R. Taylor
' The End of the Famine ' by Capt. F. McDermot
Travel talks this term have been moving westward from Singapore, telling listeners not only about peoples of the British Empire but also about the geographical conditions under which they live.
This afternoon Captain McDermot will describe how famine can come to an Indian village because of the failure of the rains, and how the Indians fight this disaster.
He will describe how the Government helps to improve water supplies and sets up depots at which the villagers can obtain food until the next harvest.
2.15 Interlude
2.20 If you were French (Ages 11-15)
A feature programme by Julia Goodey
2.40 I ysgolion Cymru
(For Welsh schools)
' Hanes Cymru '
Y siartiaid yn Codi gan
David Williams
Ymgais ar ffurf drama i gyneu hanM yr ymosod ar Gasnewydd gany
Siartiaid, Tachwedd 1839