A weekly series of recitals given by artists of the younger generation
This week a portrait of Brahms in his late 20s. Mark Rowlinson (bar)
Paul Hamburger (piano) Lawrence Pitchko (piano) Four songs to poems by Daumer (from the set, Op 32): Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen; Bitteres zu sagen denkst du; So stehn wir; Wie bist du, meine Konigin
Variations on a theme of Paganini, Op 35 (Book 1) Five songs to poems by Count Platen (from the set, Op 32): Wie rafft' ich mich auf; Ich schleich' umher; Der Strom, der neben mir verrauschte; Wehe, so willst du mich wieder?; Du sprichst, dass ich mich tauschte.
Variations on a theme of Paganini (Book 2)
(Given before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London. Tickets available from Ticket Unit, BBC, Broadcasting House, London WIA 4WW)