Round the Countryside: Some Queer Fish
C.C. Gaddum
Most people regard fish as normal animals that all behave in very much the same sort of way. Mr. Gaddum in his talk today will tell listeners about the curious fish called the stickleback, which is common in most ponds and streams. Unlike most fish, the stickleback builds a nest in which the female is imprisoned until the eggs are hatched, when the young fry are taken care of by the male. Finally, Mr. Gaddum will talk about another curious fish. the flatfish, which changes colour in order to adapt itself to its surroundings.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Senior English: Dramatic Reading: Julius Caesar: 1
2.55 Interval Music
3.0 Concert Lesson: Fugue (i) Oboe, Viola, and Bassoon
Thomas Armstrong, D.Mus.
3.30 Interval Music
3.35 Early Stages in French
E. M. Stephan and Germaine Chamayou