Community. hymnKSinging from St. Peter's Parish Church, Sudbury, Suffolk
Hymns introduced by William Purcell
Organist, Clair Deeks
Conductor, James Sargent
Jesus Christ is risen today (Tune,
Easter Hymn)
Good Christian men rejoice (Tune,
Gelobt sei Gott)
The day of Resurrection (Tune,
Jesus lives! thy terrors now (Tune,
St. Albinus)
The strife is o'er (Tune, Victory)
My song is love unknown (Tune.
St. John)
This joyful Eastertide (smriig by choir) (Harmony by C. Wood)
Light's abode, celestial Salem (Tune.
Regent Square)
Prayers and blessing by the Rector, the Rev. Canon H. Douglas Barton