9.10 Tele-Journal
Presented by CHANTAL CUER
9.38 Out of the Past
Great archaeological discoveries of the past
1: The Caves of Périgord
10.5 Look and Read King's Dragon
Questions at the Castle
10.30 10.45 Let's Go
Let's Go to the Centre Again
Presented by BRIAN RIX
Another look at the Pontefract Centre, showing a range of activities. Brian invites viewers' letters.
11.0 Watch. Firemen
11.17 Going to Work
11.38 Design by Five
A Bedroom for Claire Rayner designed by Tricia Guild
A bedroom is usually the most personal room in the home, where fantasy and practicality can meet on equal terms. The designer's challenge is to make it a place where both husband and wife can feel at ease.
Film editor AL GELL
12.5 pm A Job Worth Doing? Customs and Excise
. (Repeal)