Community hymn-singing from St. James's Church, Bootle: led by the Catholic Singers' Guild
Conducted by FR. BRIAN FOLEY
Hymns introduced by FR. PATRICK McENROE
Crown him with many crowns
(Tune, Diademata)
0 food of travellers (Tune, Eisenach)
All glory, laud and honour (Tune,
St. Theodulph)
By the Cross (Tune, Stabat Mater)
Now thank we all our God (Tune,
Nun danket)
Jesus, priceless treasure (Tune.
Jesu, meine Freude)
To win my heart (Tune, Old 124th)
The duteous day now closeth
(Tune, 0 Welt, ich muss dich lassen)
Prayer and blessing by FR. PATRICK KENNEDY