(1500m only)
Introduced by Alan Parry
2.45; 3.30; 3.50; 5.25 International Rugby
England v Australia at Twickenham Commentators Peter West and Alan Gibson, with summaries by Peter Yarranton.
2.25; 3.25; 3.45; 3.55: 5.0; 5.45 Football League
News, commentary on a top game by Peter Jones and Bryon Butler, live score Hashes from five other matches, and at 4.40* results, with a complete classified check at 5.0
2.4; 5.45 Racing from Ascot
2.5 The Black and White Handicap Hurdle Race
Commentator Peter Bromley
Together with reports from other meetings throughout the afternoon
3.10 Lawn Tennis: The Dewar Cup from the Royal Albert Hall
Commentators Max Robertson and Bob Howe
3.10; 3.25 Motor Racing
RAC International Rally of Great Britain Reports on the first day by Robin Richards
2.10; 2.30 Quiz on 2 New weekly knockout contest on sport and general knowledge Resident Captains Brian Johnston and Ted Moult Round 1: London
Prudential Assurance Sports Club v Barclays Bank Sports Club
Question-master Peter Jones
Devised and produced by Michael Tuke-Hastings
From the Prudential Theatre, London
4.40* Sports Report
Football results as they come in, classified check at 5.0 and 5.40*, a report-a-minute on the top games of the day. Rugby Round-Up at 5.25*. top sporting personalities, comment and full racing results at 5.45*
2.2 Scene set, latest news
2.4 Racing; 2.10 Quiz on 2
2.25 Football preview
2.30 Quiz on 2; 2.45 Rugby
3.10 Lawn Tennis
3.2.5 Football scores: 3.30 Rugby
3.45 Football half-time scores
3.5* Rugby
3.55 Football commentary
4.40 Sports Report
5.0 Classified football
5.25 Rugby Round-Up
5.45 Classified results
A Radio Sports Unit production