Community hymn-singing from Nailsworth Parish Church, Gloucestershire, led by combined choirs of the district
Hymns introduced by Charles Brewer The King of Love my Shepherd is
(Tune. Dominus regit me)
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep (Tune,
Be thou my guardian and my guide
(Tune. Abridge)
(Continued in next column)
There were ninety and nine (Tune,
The Ninety and Nine)
There is a green hill (Tune. Horsley) 0 Love, who formed'st me to wear
(Tune, St. Matthias)
Son of God, Eternal Saviour (Tune,
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
(Tune, Truro)
Conductor, The Rev. Cyril Rodgers
Organist, Sidney Townsend