A weekly radio magazine for young listeners
Edited and produced by Lionel Gamlin
Look Lively
A musical cover page designed and presented by Billy Mayerl
Cariosity Corner
Rose-Mary Sands hopes to satisfy your curiosity about an annual mystery: How does the lettering get into a stick of peppermint rock?
Musically Speaking ...
This week Billy Mayerl and the Fleeting Footnotes send you a special Report-in-Rhythm, introducing:
Singing for Supper: Ross Wilson
Portrait of an Artist:
Sid Phillips and his clarinet
At the piano. Arthur Fall
Tai-Lu Talking ...
The first of six sketches drawn by Shelagh Fraser and Billy Thatcher
Today Sheiagh and Billy introduce you to Princess Tai-Lu, their Royal Siamese cat friend, who for the next six weeks will be telling you about some of her adventures since she came to this country to study the habits of a nation of dog-lovers.