Recorded in St George's Cathedral, Cape Town, South Africa.
Introit: Bawo Thixo Somandla
Responses (Barry Smith ) Psalm 15 (Claude Brown ) First Lesson: Isaiah 12
Canticles: Peter Klatzow (first broadcast) Second Lesson: Mark 12, w28-34
Anthem: Prayers and Dances of Praise from Africa (Klatzow) (first broadcast)
Hymn: How Shall I Sing the Majesty? (Gatcombe) Yizela
Organ Voluntary: Toccata from Suite, Op 5 (Durufle)
St George's Cathedral Choir, St George's Singers, Cape Town University Choir, Solid Brass Organist and master of the choristers Barry Smith.
Assistant organist Mark Mitchell. Organ scholar Grant Brasler.