' Etching and Engraving "
A dialogue between
MR. HENRY RUSHBURY , A.R.A., is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Painters, Etchers and Engravers. For many years now his prints and drawings have won the greatest respect from critics and discriminating public alike. His drawing of the old B.B.C. headquarters at Savoy Hill, which appeared in these pages a week or two ago, was a typical ' Rushbury '— from the point of view of both technique and subject matter, his preference being always for architectural subjects and what may be called 'townseapes.' Rushbury's work is to be seen in the print room of the British Museum and in the Tato Gallery. For the Imperial War Museum he did a series of drawings of ' London in War-Time.'
He is the second of the group of artists who will meet Mr. Casson before the microphone to explain their aims and methods-and what they think about the public.