Air, 'Hear ye, Israel'
Chorus, 'Be not afraid'
Recitative, Solo, and Chorus, 'Have ye not heard?'
Chorus, 'Woe to him'
Recitative, 'Man of God'
Air, 'It is enough'
Recitative, 'See, now he sleepeth'
Trio, 'Life thine eyes '
Chorus, 'He watching over Israel'
Recitative, 'Arise, Elijah'
Air, 'O rest in the Lord'
Chorus, 'He that shall endure'
Recitative, 'Night falleth around me'
Chorus, 'Behold, God the Lord passed by'
Recitative, Quartet, and Chorus, 'Holy, Holy, Holy'
Chorus, 'Go return upon thy way'
Recitative and Air, 'For the Mountains'
Chorus, 'Then did Elijah'
Air, 'Then shall the righteous'
Recitative, 'Behold, God hath sent Elijah'
Chorus, 'But the Lord'
Quartet, 'O! come ev'ry one'
Chorus, 'And then shall your light'
(to 22.00)