Max Rostal (violin)
Franz Osborn (pianoforte)
Sonata in B flat for violin an pianoforte (K. 454) - Mozart
1 Largo-Allegro. 2 Andante. 3 Allegretto
Rondo brillante, Op. 70 - Schubert
Mozart wrote the Sonata in B flat, K. 454, specially for the Mantuan violinist, Regina Strinasacchi (1764-1823), and finished the violin part only the day before the concert at which he was to play it with her. He had no time to write out the piano part at all and played at the concert from blank paper without any rehearsal.
Schubert's Rondo brilliant for violin and piano was composed in 1826 and published the following year - the year before the composer's death. As the title suggests, it is to some extent a virtuoso showpiece. Even so, it is by no means superficial. 'There is irresistible buoyancy in the swing of the rondo, which alternates between the rigidity of the march and the lightness of the dance', comments Willi Kahl.