2/5. Donald Macleod uncovers the stories of Meyerbeer's life in Italy, leading up to his first international success, Il Crociato in Egitto, which was performed as far afield as Constantinople, Havana and Rio de Janeiro.
Introduction (Gli amori di Teolinda)
Berlin RSO, conductor Gerd Albrecht Di Gioja , di Pace (Emma di Resburgo)
Bronwen Mills and Maria Bovino (sopranos),
Diana Montague (mezzo), Paul Nilon and Harry Nichol (tenors), Geoffrey Dolton (baritone), Philharmonia, conductor David Parry
Quel Parlar! Quell 'aria Incerta (Margherita d'Anjou) Geoffrey Dolton and Russell Smythe (baritones), Alastair Miles (bass),
Philharmonia, conductor David Parry Il Crociato in Egitto, Act 2 (excerpt)
Yvonne Kenny (soprano), Della Jones and Diana Montague (mezzos), Bruce Ford and Ugo Benelli (tenors), Ian Platt (baritone),Geoffrey Mitchell Choir , RPO, conductor David Parry Repeated on Monday at 12 midnight