From Westminster Congregational Church
Preacher, The Rev. Dr. G. CAMPBELL MORGAN
JUST two years ago Dr. G. Campbell Morgan , who is one of the most famous preachers of the Free Churches, preached at a broadcast service from the Westminster Congregational Church. Since then he has been working in Canada and the United States, and now that he is back in England a very large number of listeners will welcome him to the broadcast pulpit again.
Order of Service
Organ Prelude, Fantasia in G ............ Bach Invocation
Hymn, ' Come, let us join our cheerful songs '
(Congregational Hymnary, No. 154)
Holy Scripture
To Deum (C.H., No. 774) Prayer
Solo—Miss ETHEL MAUNDER : My God, how wonderful Thou art Frank Bertrand
Offertory and Voluntary
Hymn, ' Rest of the weary, Joy of the sad '
(C.H., No. 163)
Hymn, ' 0 for a thousand tongues to sing ' (C.H.,
No. 150)
Silent Prayer