Nose to Tall
Will government plans to spend £23 billion on Britain's roads ease traffic jams or encourage more people to take to their cars? Transport secretary
John MacGregor does not believe the public rejects the prospect of better roads, saying: "If they felt that strongly, they wouldn't drive as much as they do."
But former minister
George Walden MP, argues: "They [the government] have no idea where our transport policy is going other than building more roads for more cars."
With some Tory backbenchers arguingagainst government policy Mr MacGregor faces opposition other than banner-waving protesters.
Reporter John Penycate talks to people affected by schemes such as the widening of the M25 and M62 and to the strategists, includingJohn Mac Gregor , who must tackle a seemingly intractable problem. Producer Barbara Want
EditorGlenwyn Benson