Suggest an edit20:00The Thursday Play Athene Seyler in 'THE HAVEN'BBC Home Service Thu 20th Feb 1958, 20:00 on BBC Home Service BasicView in Radio TimesA new play for radio by Caryl Brahms and Ned Sherrin Cast in order of speaking: Produced by Charles LefeauxContributorsUnknown:Caryl BrahmsUnknown:Ned SherrinProduced By:Charles LefeauxA A Smith:Eric AndersonJulia:Una VenningAmy:Ella MilneSheree:Caroline LeighDorothea:Nora NicholsonRuby Pearl:Jessie EvansTrudi Tritsch:Mary WimbushBubbles:Athene SeylerMatron:Joan SandersonInspector Humble:Robert SansomSergeant Stoutboot:Frank WindsorSir Christopher (Toto):Godfrey Kenton Source: Radio Times Suggest an edit