The Royal Maundy at the Service in Canterbury Cathedral
Order of Service:
Hymn: Praise to the Holiest in the heilht
Psalm 91
Anthem: Lord. for thy tender mercies' sake (J. Hilton)
First Lesson: St. John 13, vv. 1-16
During this are sung the following anthems:
O Lord, increase my faith
(Orlando Gibbons)
O Saviour of the world (
Alan Ridout )
Wash me throughly from my wickedness (S. S. Wesley)
Second Lesson: St. Matthew 25, vv. 31-46
During this are sung the following anthems:
Recitative: Although our eyes with tears o'erftow; Aria: Jesus, Saviour, I am thine; Chorale: Receive me, my Redeemer (St. Matthew Passion) (Bach)
Hymn: Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
The Blessing
The National Anfhem
The scene described by AUDREY RUSSELL