direct from Chelmsford Cathedral
Introit: So come to him our living stone (Graham Elliott )
Responses: Ebdon
Psalms: 132, 133, 134, 135 (Atkins, Massey, Elgar, Garrett, Gauntlett)
First Lesson: Exodus 16, vv 2-15 (NEB)
Office Hymn: Faithful
Shepherd, feed me (A&MR 415)
Canticles: Howells in G
Second Lesson: Hebrews 4 v 14 to 5, v 9 (NEB)
Anthem: Cantique de Jear Racine (Faure)
Hymn: In our day of thanksgiving (A&MR 476)
Organ voluntary: Prelude: Bryn Calfaria (Vaughan Williams)
Master of the Music
Assistant Master of the Music DAVID SPARROW