An Appeal on behalf of The Commons, Open Spaces and Foot Paths Preservation Society, by Sir William Beach Thomas, K.B.E.
The Commons, Open Spaces, and Footpaths Preservation Society is a national organisation whose work is more than ever necessary today. It was founded in 1865 to protect the commons round London (Wimbledon Common, Hampstead Heath, Banstead Downs, Epping Forest, and many others) from enclosure and building.
These would almost certainly have been lost to the public but for the Society.
Since then its work has extended to the preservation of public interests over commons and open spaces and field-paths in the whole of England and Wales, and hundreds of thousands of acres and innumerable rights of way have been saved by its efforts. No one who is taking holiday in the country or by the sea needs to be told how necessary such rights are for outdoor enjoyment and recreation, and those who respond to the appeal will in fact be helping to secure for themselves the freedom of the countryside. The Society can only carry on and extend its work through donations from sympathisers.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
(London National will radiate the London Regional Week's Good , Cause, North National the North Regional Week's Good Cause, and Scottish National the Scottish Regional Week's Good Cause. West National will close down from 8.45 to 8.50)