An appeal on behalf of the INSTITUTE FOR THE SCIENTIFIC
The Institute was founded in 1932 for the treatment and prevention of crime by medical, social, and psychological measures ; for research into the causes of crime, and to form an educational centre for those who deal with delinquents. It gives impartial reports on the mental and physical state of offenders, and how this bears on the offence, and how far medical treatment is likely to effect a cure it provides facilities for suitable treatment with due attention to public safety.
The work of the Institute, the only body existing solely for these purposes, has been seriously hampered by inadequate premises. To remedy this, a new Out-Patient Clinic will be opened shortly. This will cost £150 a month to run. A small In-Patient Observation Centre is also needed and cannot yet be started. For this a further E20,000 is urgently needed.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to St. John Hutchinson , Esq.,
K.C., [address removed]