6.50 Maths: And So On ...
7.15 Social Problems and Social
7.40 Maths: The Location Problem
8.05 Operating Systems
8.30 The Social Primate: Growing Up
8.55 The Export of Pollution
9.20 Light on Lasers
9.45 School of the Future?
10.10 Living with Technology: Oil
10.35 Chile in the International
11.00 The 'User-Friendly' School
11.25 Kafka and His World
11.50 Maths: Goodness of Fit
12.15 Probing the Structure of Liquids
12.40 Art in 15th-Century Italy
1.05 Mastering Management
1.30 Modern Art: Greenberg on Criticism
1.55 The Effective Manager
2.20 Attitudes: the Second