from the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge
Alleluia, ascendit Deus (Byrd)
Versicles and Responses (William Smith )
Psalms 114, 115
First Lesson: Judges 11, vv. 30-40
Magnificat (Wood in E flat, No. 1)
Second Lesson: Hebrews 9, vv. 1-14
Nunc dimittis (Wood in E flat. No. 1)
Creed and Collects
Lift up your heads (Gibbons)
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; Be ye lift up ye everlasting doors: and the King of Glory shall come in. It is the Lord. strong and mighty. even the Lord of Hosts; He is the King of Glory
Organ Voluntary (played by Garth Benson ): Choral Prelude on Croft's 136th (Parry)
Organist. Boris Ord