Miss Helen W. Nesbit, contralto, "Strike at last, thou hour desired" (Bach), "Ombra mai Ju" (Handel). Miss Emmeline Paulin, L.R.A.M., pianiste, Andante and Rondo Capriccioso (Mendelssohn), Mazurka in B Minor (Chopin). Mr J. bland Bruce, baritone, "Ini Sheltered Vale" (D'Alquen), "Dearest and Beast" (Squire). Miss Helen W. Nesbit, Contralto, "I Heard Your Voice" (Noel Forrester), Absent" (Metcalf). Miss Emmeline Paulin, Pianiste, Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 11 (Liszt), "Jardins sous la Pluie" (Debussy). Mr J. Bland Bruce, baritone, "All That I Ask" (Coleman), "Myself when Young" (Lehmann)