David Jason brings a master's touch and Immaculate Scouse accent to this comic account of gold fever in wartime Liverpool by Jim Hitchmough , creator of the comedy series Watching.
In May 1940, just before
Dunkirk, the governors of the Bank of England decided that the nation's bullion would be safer in the vaults of Martin's
Bank in Liverpool. How easy It would have been for the gang of dockers who unloaded the cargo at Liverpool to "sample" the wares....
Jason (as dockers' leader
Billy Mac ) is joined by Gorden Kaye , veteran of 'Allo 'Allo!, and Tim Pigott-Smith (The Chief) as a dodgy dealer who tempts the bullion boys from the straight and narrow.
Producer/Director Christopher Morahan
Davidjason-the actorworth his weight in gold SEE FEATURE page 30