From the Parish Church of St. John the Divine, Menston-in-Wharfedale, Yorkshire. Celebrant, the Vicar, Canon T. C. Hammond
Introit: Psalm 98
The Lord's Prayer; Collect for Purity The Kyrie Collects
Epistle: 1 St. John 1. vv. 1-10
Gradual: Word supreme, before creation (A. and M. Rev. 536)
Gospel: St. John 21, vv. 19-25 Creed
Offertory Hymn: 0 come, all ye faithful (A. and M. Rev. 59)
Prayer for the Church
Invitation, Confession, Absolution Comfortable Words
Sursum Corda ; Preface Sanctus; Benedictus
Prayer of humble access Prayer of Consecration Agnus Dei
Communion Hymn: Hail true Body, born of Mary (A. and M. Rev. 407)
The Lord's Prayer; Prayer of Oblation
Gloria In Excelsis
Hymn: Hark! the herald-angels sing
(A. and M. Rev. 60)
Organist. Hugh Gadsby