The original version of this play with Rosalinde Fuller instead of Carol Goodner playing the part of Anna Foldvary was broadcast in 1933 ; and listeners who heard that performance no doubt will listen again. Although Mark Lubbock 's musto will be much the same as before, the book has been re-written by C. Denis Freeman the author, it will be remembered, of th? original version. -
The sub-title ' A Romantic. Drama with Music ' fits the theme perfectly. There is romance in plenty from the time the young Englishman meets the charming Hungarian girl in a doorway ; there is drama too-the scenes of the Hungarian Terror of 1919 are vividly portrayed, and a sinister train that spreads death wherever it goes is only one of the thrills. The music, mainly Hungarian in character, makes an effective setting to a really 'meaty ' plot.
'The Castle on the Hill' will be repeated in the Regional programme tomorrow at 8.30
See 'Background to the Broadcast' on pages