A vest pocket vaudeville
Produced by Ernest Longstaffe
with Clarence Wright, Wade and Browne, Joan Miller and Dudley Dixon
Accompanied by Rae Jenkins, violin and viola
Fred Alexander, violoncello and guitar
Ivor Dennis at the piano
Compere, Peter Mosley
This is the eighth broadcast in the popular series devised by Ernest Longstaffe. Today two well-known performers are to be on the air together for the first time.
That very fine baritone, Charles Wade, had a big concert connection in the Midlands before coming to London. He runs several concert parties, and many listeners will be familiar with the 'Concord Follies' and the 'Gay Wayfarers'.
Jackson Browne is well known as a concert-party comedian, especially to visitors to Scarborough. During the war he was in concert parties with such stars as Sidney Howard and the late Laddie Cliff. First-rate singing and first-rate comedy should be combined in this broadcast.