6.30 Starting Chinese
Twenty-five programmes for beginners in spoken Mandarin.
Part 1: Introduction to Chinese
Programme 2: Introduced by Lucia Liu and Terry Chang
Script by David Pollard who adds some comments about Chinese characters and how they are written.
(Rptd: Sunday 2.30 pm R4 VHF)
Book, Parts 1 and 2, 60p; Record 97p, from bookshops
7.0pm Ensemble
A French course for beginners on radio and TV.
23: Deux jeunes femmes d L'lnstitut National de Statistique et d'Etudes Economiques parlent du 'Francais moyen'.
(Rptd: Sun 3.0 pm R4 VHF)
(Television programmes: Tuesday 7.5 pm BBC2; Wednesday 12.5 pm: Sun 10.10 am BBC1)
Book £1.30, Record £1.73 or Cassette £2.81, from bookshops