of Temperance Lloyd,
Mary Trembles, and Susannah Edwards
Bideford, Devon. July 3, 1682
Arranged from the original depositions by E. W. Martin
Production by Francis Dillon
Trials for witchcraft were at one time common in England, though records of court proceedings are scarce. This evening's programme is, however, based on the original depositions made at Bideford in 1682, when Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles , and Susannah Edwards were charged with the practice of witchcraft, and associating with the Devil, and causing the death of several persons by the means of spells!
The confessions of the witches were so full, and delivered with such eloquence and sincerity that the court had no choice but to condemn them. All three claimed to have had acquaintance with the Devil, whom they described in divers and gruesome terms.