A comedy for broadcasting, from the story by P. G. Wodehouse
Principal characters
Clarence, 9th Earl of Emswerth, Jane, Lord Emsworth's niece, Beach, the butler, Lady Constance, Lord Emsworth's sister, Rupert Baxter , once
Lord Emsworth's secretary,
George Lord Emsworth 's grandson
Produced by John Cheatle
Here is a hilarious addition to this big week of radio drama, a play that was specifically asked for by a great number of listeners who revelled in the first broadcast of the play in July.
Never in fiction was a scene created with more delightful opulence and traditional indolence than that of Blandings Castle, seat of the Earl of Emsworth, and background to some of the funniest of Wodehouse's stories. Certainly no excursion could more readily take the listener's mind away from depression than one among the noblemen, gardeners, angry aunts, and idle nephews of Blandings Castle, especially when crime of the Blandings order is thrown in!