direct from the Royal Exchange Theatre
Kathleen Livingstone (sop) Nell Mnckle (tenor)
John Blakely (piano)
Haydn Two Italian Duets: Saper vorrel se m'ami:
Guarda qui che lo vedrai Schumann Three Duets: Er und Sie; Tanzlied; In der Nacht.
Mllhaud Trots Elegies
(first broadcast): Dis-moi, dis-moi, guérirai-je cc qui est dans mon coeur?;
Sur le sable des allies; Mon amour, disais-tu
Britten Ballads: Mother
Comfort: Underneath the Abject Willow
Christopher Brown
A-courting we will go (first broadcast) (Promoted by the Manchester Midday
Concerts Society with the BBC and Erie Dodson ) BBC Manchester