9.05 Record Review continues with Anthony Burton.
Building a Library:
Mozart's Violin Concerto
No 5 in A (K219) by Stephen Dodgson.
Ivan Hewett on new recordings of contemporary music, including Anthony Davis 's opera on Malcolm X and the violin concertos by Berg and Rihm played by Anne-Sophie Mutter.
10.35 Record Release
Fred Lerdahl Waves
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra
10.52 Anthony Davis X, The Life and Times of Malcohn X (excerpt) Soloists
Episteme Ensemble
Orchestra of St Luke's/ William Henry Curry
11.18 Celso Garrido -
Lecca String Quartet No 2 Latin-American Quartet
11.43 The years after the Second World War were
Decca's golden age, memorably chronicled by John Culshaw. Decca has been reissuing many recordings from this era - and often deleting them again. Bernard Keeffe picks the titles to snap up and introduces
12.46 Berlioz Overture:
Benvenuto Cellini
Paris Conservatoire
Orchestra/Charles Munch (Mono. 1946) Records
Producers Nick Morgan and Clive Portbury
(9.05-10.35 repeated Wednesday 2.00pm)