In social medicine people with many different skills work jointly with the physician as Doctors for the Community '
These six programmes, about some of the problems facing them. are planned for all those who are concerned with the people's health
3: In need of help
Some of the most intractable problems for the individual are those which need social as well as medical remedies. But similar problems are often faced by large numbers of people—of the same age or occupation, or subject to similar disabilities or social pressures. Three of these special groups are considered in this programme: the young, the old and the chronicallydisabled.
PETER Scott , Consultant In Psychiatry, Maudesley Hospital Michael WARREN. Reader in Public
Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
R. Huws JONES, Principal, National Institute for Social Work training
Introduced by J. N. MORRIS , Professor of Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Hon. Director of the M.R.C. Social Medicine Research Unit
Produced by Rosemary Jellis
'Music and Dancing ' will be broadcast on Friday at 7.30 p.m.