Community hymn-singing from Trinity Presbyterian Church, Ramsey, Isle of Man. led by the combined choirs of the town
Conductor, T. J. Mullineux
Organist. Miss E. A Mullineux
Hymns introduced by R. T. Brooks
Blessing by the Rev. E. A. H. Sawers
Hear us, 0 Lord, from heaven, thy dwelling place (Manx Fishermen's Evening Hymn)
Let all the world in every corner sing
(Tune, Luckington)
Thou didst leave thv throne and thy kingly crown (Tune. Margaret)
There is a green hill far away (Tune,
Jesus lives! (Tune, St. Albinus)
Come down. 0 Love Divine (Tune,
Down Ampney)
The King of love mv Shepherd is
(Tune, Dominus regit me)
Just as I am. without one plea (Tune,