MAN does not, and cannot, live in society
- without institutions. Each type of organization, whilst it fulfils certain needs and aspirations, develops, as it grows, specific forms of ' herd behaviour,' injurious to the commonwealth. Man's art of living in society consists in evolving the necessary types of organization, while counteracting the evil and fostering the eood in such institutions. Mrs. Sidney Webb , tonight and on the next two Thurs lays, will explain the way in which the social institutions of today can do harm. Mrs. Sidney Webb , who is, of course, the wife of Lord Pus.-i-field, did not find it consistent with her principles to adopt her husband's title when he was elevated to the peerage. She has worked long and assiduously for the people and for Socialism, by personal investigations of social and industrial conditions, by sitting on many and various committees, and by writing several books of importance on social and economic policy.