A programme for children under five
' Dorrotty Miff ,' says one, ' Doll-lady Sniff,' says another. But whatever their difficulty in pronouncing Dorothy Smith 's name, our under-fives had none in wholeheartedly receiving her into their circle of ' story ladies ' when she joined them four months ago, and today we welcome her back to the microphone for her second turn as storyteller. She will begin with a favourite story, ' The Cookie Bun ' by Jane Shaw, and tomorrow she will tell Jaene Dee's tale of Monty, the white mouse—white, at least, until he fell into the adventure related here. The remainder of the week is given to three stories of Lulupet and Toffee, two new ones and an old one. by Jane Alan. These tales, we hear, make our children laugh. They find the name ' Toffee ' excruciatingly funny for a teddy-bear, and when Toffee bows so low that he bumps his nose on the floor, or accidentally cuts off some of his fur and tries to stick it on again with honey, they are tickled enormously. We think they will find amusement, too, in ' Pop Goes the Weasel,' the new rhyme which is introduced into the programmes during the week. Elizabeth A. Taylor