Pik Botha
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of South Africa
Foreign Minister since 1977, Pik Botha has been greatly involved in moves towards more open relations with other south African countries. Recently South Africa announced its decision to withdraw its last troops from Angola, and met Namibian politicians as part of a new push for independence. He is known as a cautious and pragmatic diplomat who supports limited reform of apartheid, while staunchly defending South
Africa's right to exist as a white nation and pursue its policies without regard to worldwide disapproval. Today in Johannesburg, linked to London by satellite, he answers questions from around the world in a phone-in chaired by Sue MacGregor. and broadcast simultaneously with the BBC World Service.
Producers LIZ MARDALL for the Woman's Hour unit and MARGARET HILL and DAN ZERDIN for the World Service
Lines open from 10.30am