Suggest an edit20:50Maurice Denham and Catherine Lacey in ' OLD FORTUNATUS'Third Programme Wed 1st Aug 1956, 20:50 on Third ProgrammeView in Radio Timesby Thomas Dekker Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Wilfrid Grantham Music composed by Elizabeth Poston Orchestra and BBC Singers conducted by Douglas RobinsonContributorsUnknown:Thomas DekkerProduced By:Wilfrid GranthamComposed By:Elizabeth PostonConducted By:Douglas RobinsonChorus:Beth BoydOld Fortunatus:Maurice DenhamHis sons: Andolecia:Peter HallidayHis sons:Ampedo:Alan ReidShadow, his servant:John SharpSoldan:Marne MaitlandThe goddess Fortune:Catherine Lacey Source: Radio Times Suggest an edit