Red Cross Sunday : Intercession for prisoners of war and their relatives, conducted by the Rev. Gilbert C. McCutcheon , Drum-blade, Aberdeenshire. From St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh
Crown him with many crowns (C.H.
136 ; A. and M. 304)
Prayer and the Lord's Prayer
The king of love my shepherd is
(C.H. 438 ; A. and M. 197)
Lesson : Romans 8, vv. 26-39, read by Lord Keith, Chairman, Edinburgh Branch, Red Cross
Holy Father, in thy mercy (C.H. 629 ;
A. and M. 595)
Address Prayer
Love divine, all loves excelling (C.H.
479 ; A. and M. 520)
Organist. Dr. W. Greenhouse Allt