Tracing History Backwards
'Government—Now and Then '—3
' Borough Councils and Urban District
Councils—Now '
The week before last, Commander Stephen King-Hall talked to you about county councils as they exist today, and last week Mr. K. C. Boswell told you about the shire before the days of county councils came.
It is now the turn for the government of cities and towns to be discussed, and, as before, the present day is to be dealt with first..... This afternoon, then, Commander King-Hall is going to tell you about borough councils and urban district councils and the duties they perform. Public health (street cleaning, lighting, sanitation), housing, education, roads, allotments—for all of these they are responsible, and for many other things.
2.25 Interval
2.30 .- Biology
' How Life is Lived '—3
' How Animals Hide '
Doris L. MACKINNON , D.Sc. (Professor of Zoology, King's College, University of London
There are many good examples of animals hiding though they remain in the open. The hare lying in its form in a ploughed field is so like the colour of its surroundings that you may literally tread on it before you see it. Have you ever found that most exquisitely created thing-the nest of a chaffinch ? You may stare at it from a yard away and not see it because the little bird has thatched the exterior of its nest with bits of lichen the exact colour of its surroundings.
This afternoon Professor Doris Mac kinnon is going to talk to you about this great scheme of nature for protecting wild creatures from their enemies. You have all heard of chameleons changing colour. She will show you how frogs to a less extent do the same. She will point out to you that it doesn't matter that an owl's eggs are white, because they are already hidden in a hole, but that the oyster-catcher's eggs are so coloured and speckled as to blend with the pebbles on which they are laid.