An adaptation by M. H. Allen of the poem by Alice Duer Miller
Characters :
Susan ; John ; Lady Jean (his mother) ; Rosamond (his sister) ; Susan's father ; Three women ; and Two men
Produced by Val Gielgud
This romance and tragedy in rhyme of an American girl who married a young English squire at the beginning of the last war, and lost him at Douai-who grew to love her English mother-in-law, and, with the coming of the present war, had to endure the prospect of losing her son as she had lost his father. closes with the lines :
I am American bred,
I have seen much to hate here-much to forgive,
But in a world where England is finished and dead,
I do not wish to live.
The appealing part of the American girl and woman, Sue, was broadcast in America by an actress who was born in London-Lynn Fontaine ; it is to be broadcast here by an actress who was born in America.